Notes on how to use the galaxy directory
The writing style and language were adapted to English.
1st Column
function: coordinates of the recommended image center. These coordinates often
contain the object listed first in the 3rd column, so, for example, the
coordinates of the 1st field of view (RA 00h 01m 20s) are the position of NGC
7803. If the addition Fc (Field Center) is written after the coordinates, there
is no bright galaxy in the center of the image. Here, several objects should be
well distributed in the picture. Users can adjust these coordinates to their
field of view as needed. The coordinates
were taken from the SIMBAD database and rounded up to 0.1s in RA and 1" in DEC.
The author determined the FC coordinates.
2nd function:
SIMBAD: Click on individual coordinates of the 1st column with the mouse, switch
between SIMBAD and Aladin Lite (Interactive Aladin Lite view). The basic data for all available objects
within a 10' radius of these coordinates are listed, in some cases over 3,000 of
all classes (it will take some time). It is difficult to work with so many
objects. This is occasionally cautioned by a "!" behind the coordinates. If you click on
the SIMBAD page in the column of an object, another one opens with the available
data for this object. There is also a variety of other catalog references below.
This is important because the author often used shorter names than those
primarily displayed by SIMBAD due to lack of space. However, many faint galaxies
can only be identified with NED. Please note that the author hardly used any
information from SIMBAD under "Object Data" (column six).
2nd Column
"best view" stands for the day of longest observability. This refers to the date
on which the culmination of the recording field occurs at midnight. The point in time was
determined approximately (+- 1 day) with a rotating celestial chart, adjusted to
the geographical longitude of Berlin (approx. 1.5 longitudes west of the time
zone longitude 15° East). If this relation is observed, the data can be used
worldwide, i.e. in any time zone. If the longitude of the place of observation
within the time zone deviates clearly from this, it must be noted that
with every longitude westerly, the culmination at midnight occurs one day later,
and with every longitude easterly one day earlier.
For example, if you want to
use the directory data in the Sierra Nevada in Spain, where the CET is also
valid but the longitude is about 3° West, the culmination at midnight will occur
16 or 17 days later.
3rd Column
1st function:
It names and catalog designations of some bright and also particularly remotely
identifiable objects in the recording field. Often these are shortened by
slashes, e.g.: IC
1642/46, LEDA 4370/92 = IC 1642, IC 1646, LEDA 4370, LEDA 4392 or the catalog
name is omitted for subsequent objects, e.g. LEDA 85298, 1298602, 3091891 = LEDA
85298, LEDA 1298602, LEDA 3091891.
According to
the SIMBAD database, no PGC names were used. These have the same numbers as
LEDA (with a few exceptions).
If there is an
asterisk * at the end of an object name, it is (at least for the author) one
of the more beautiful and interesting image fields and should be considered when
making your selection. An asterisk
within the object name indicates a bright star in the image field. If there is a
superscript ᴺ at the end of an object name, this object is not listed in SIMBAD
and is taken from NED.
2nd function:
The object designations are provided with a link to the Digitized Sky Survey,
where the relevant section of the sky can be viewed. The pictures are from the
famous Palomar Sky Survey (POSS II) and were exposed on analog photo plates and
later digitized. The recording instrument was the 48-inch Palomar Oschin-Schmidt
telescope with 1220/1830/3050 mm (the opening of the Schmidt plate/mirror
diameter/focal length, 1:2.5).
4th Column
information on the links of the 3rd column (Digitized Sky Survey): First is the
color sensitivity of the displayed analog plate images, B = Blue, R = Red, and
second is the angular size of the displayed image field in arc minutes.
5th Column
abbreviations for the constellations in which the field of view lies.
6th Column
Under Object
Data, you will find abbreviated information (see abbreviations) for mostly four
to five galaxies, due to very limited by space. In the beginning, there is
usually the angular distance and the rough compass direction (in italics) in
which an object is located away from the center of the image (north is up and
east is always left). Distances > 10´ were measured on the screen by the author
and are less precise. Tip: For better orientation, align the image axes of your
photos with the cardinal points. The object
names (see column three) have been abbreviated as follows, for example:
NGC 7806 = N..06, LEDA
1950019 = L..19, 6dFGS gJ203220.5-020828 = 6d..28.
galaxy type usually follows in brackets (fine subdivision omitted for elliptical
galaxies), the angular extent and the total brightness (V = Visual, B = Blue
brightness, g = Green brightness - SDSS standard,
λ 490 nm and in few cases R =
Red brightness).
The galaxies are usually fainter in the blue between 0.6
and 1 magnitude than in the visual
(color index). Assuming 0.8 mag, you will have a good starting point for the
The total brightnesses are related to the angular extent and are
linked to a limiting isophote in terms of measurement. As a photographer, I am
more interested in the visible extent of the objects in the Digitized Sky
Survey, which is often significantly larger. For this reason, the author has
often tried to determine the angle sizes himself for the most using Aladin Lite
(superscript ᴬ = source author). Occasionally, missing information in the
databases was also supplemented in this way. It is of course clear that the
total magnitudes (total magnitudes integrated to 1◻") no longer correlate
exactly with the data in the databases (should be somewhat brighter) due to
increased angular sizes.
This was not given heliocentrically as usual. Why? The 3K background
radiation is the universal inertial system in terms of spatial expansion. Thanks
to accurate satellite measurements, we now know that we are moving at about 620
km/s in one direction against the 3K background radiation. The author,
therefore, used corrected redshifts from NED in which this movement was
eliminated. The hit probability of an approximately correct light travel time is
statistically the most possible.
Unfortunately, as a rule, we do not know the intrinsic velocity of the galaxies
in space and only receive an estimate of the light travel time, in which we
interpret z alone as the expansion of space. In dense galaxy clusters,
however, the intrinsic velocity can reach up to 1,000 km/s. Uncertainty is
extremely high, especially for nearby objects. Therefore, the author often used
distance information from Wikipedia (there, z is mostly corrected for the
galactic center).
After z
is LT = light travel time. This information was calculated from z with
Ned Wright's Javascript Cosmology Calculator. As Hubble parameter H0,
the author used the first result from Gaia data: 73.5 km/s/Mpc, which
contradicts the results of the cosmolog
space probes WMAP and Planck (H0
is obviously not a constant). Further parameters of the LT calculations were:
matter density 0.27, vacuum energy density 0.73 and a flat universe.
If LT is behind
a bracket, this light travel time is valid together for two galaxies listed
If you tend to
take the light travel time as a given distance in light-years, please consider
the following: In an accelerated expanding universe, the equation of light
travel time and distance becomes more and more absurd with increasing redshift!
The light travel time is ideally equal to the distance in light-years that the
light has traveled to us. However, this is neither the distance of the object
when the light started traveling, nor is it the distance today, nor is it the
time a light signal would need to get there now. Only in the cosmological
vicinity of our Milky Way (up to about z = 0.1, and a light travel time
of about 1.2 billion years) this simplified view is acceptable, considering the
Source Details:
Messier, NGC
and IC object specifications (type, angular size, brightness) are taken from the
NGC/IC project,
provided no superscript letter refers to something else (directory by Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke, March 2018/19). The
3K-corrected redshifts are taken from NED (with a few exceptions). Information
on fainter objects, clusters and quasars is also taken from NED (NASA/IPAC
Extragalactic Database), the world's largest extragalactic database.
Deviations from
this were generally indicated by superscript letters (ˢ, ᴺ, ʷ, ᴬ,
ᴾᴳᶜ, ᴺᴵ - see abbreviations).
The information
about bright stars comes from SIMBAD (SIMBAD Astronomical Database - CDS
7th Column
stars: Bright stars (>3mag) are used to help locate the recording coordinates.
The ancient Greek letters used were occasionally written out in brackets.
8th Column
The visual
brightness of the reference stars (source: SIMBAD), ~ means variable star.
9th Column
Spectral types
of the reference stars (source: SIMBAD).
10th Column
Coordinates of
the reference stars (source: SIMBAD), rounded up to 0.1s in RA and to 1" in DEC.
by Raymond Romanos,
additions with Google Translate